Ich finde den Text Cop-out weniger wegen der Debatte um Libcom und das libertär-kommunistische Spektrum in England lesenswert, sondern wegen seiner interessanten Analysen bzgl. der Modernisierung von Repressionsstrategien sowie der Rolle universitärer und forschender Einrichtungen dabei...
Whilst the criticisms made here use Aufhebengate as their starting-point (because of the appallingly pathetic nature of the UK “libertarian communist” milieu revealed by this event) it is not necessary to know all the ins and outs of it to be able to understand most of the conclusions developed from it, nor is it really necessary to be that interested in Aufhebengate to find these conclusions useful. It’s simply a matter of recognising an objective event and developing from there…developing our critique of modern cop practice, of academia, of the misery of the UK so-called libertarian communist milieu, of our analysis of the contradictions of friendship and more…
Could there be anything more boring than digging up Aufhebengate again? Only one thing more boring - not digging it up again. It’s the elephant in the room of the “revolutionary milieu” that everyone wants to ignore or pretend was just a mirage and will anyway go away of its own accord so they can carry on as normal. The shit it’s dumped in the corner reeks a stench ignored by blocking out one’s sense of smell and one’s sense altogether. Clearing this up is filthy work, but someone’s got to do it.
So, let’s sum up.
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